The Ins and Outs of Becoming an Instagram Makeup Artist

by | Sep 1, 2021 | Blog, Education

Social media is a massive influence on today’s society, so it’s no wonder platforms like Facebook and Instagram play a huge part in the products we use and buy.

Becoming an Instagram makeup artist is a career path more and more people are choosing today. If done correctly, your reputation can flourish and you will have a steady and regular stream of clients.

So what does it take to become an Instagram makeup artist?

Once you have chosen your industry or niche, you’re ready to go all in! You should be confident in the style of makeup you’ve chosen and essentially craft your Instagram page around this style. For example, if you specialise in a dark or a more gothic style of makeup, be sure your page and portfolio reflect this.

Next are the followers. Any successful Instagram business needs to have a good amount of followers, but it’s important not to put too much pressure on yourself. Aim for 50 – 100 followers to begin with and as time progress’s aim for another 50 and then another and so on. The way to gain more followers is to showcase your artwork. That’s right. Makeup is a form of artwork, so don’t be afraid to display it for all to see. The more exposure, the better.

Beauty tutorials are always a perfect place to start. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy just simply videoing your usual makeup routine can be a great start. This shows your followers who you are and that you trust the products you are using. You could also ask friends and family to pose as your models.

Be sure to name the brands, colours and tones you are using and why you have chosen that particular one. Is it long-lasting? Lightweight? What drew you to it. Also, hashtags are your friend. Your best friend in fact. Hashtag all products, brands, colours, techniques, everything!

Keep your expectations realistic. The level of success you are thriving for will likely not happen overnight. It takes time, effort and hard work to gain a good following. You need to be committed, focused and able to post as often as possible. Your followers will not want you to go quiet on them. Aiming to post at least twice a week, once a day would be ideal, but this is a stretch. The amount of time needed can be difficult, especially if you have a job or family life, but it will pay off. There is also always the chance people will not agree with your style and that’s fine. It’s essential not to take these things personally.

Despite the time commitment and the occasional negative feedback, there are many positives. Your followers will begin to feel like your family. They’ll encourage and support you and look forward to your posts. The more you put in, the more you get out and you’ll soon notice your diary begin to fill up with regular and supportive clients.